Thursday, October 30, 2008

39 weeks

I am 39 weeks!! We can't believe it! I never really thought we would get to this point, its crazy- We had our dr.'s appt today and everything is still looking good. I have thinned out a little more than last week and the baby has dropped from -2 to -1 station, she was able to touch his head!! I haven't really dilated any more, she thinks I am about a 1, so not much difference there- but things are on schedule for the induction on Monday night. Our family is coming in Monday evening so we are very excited to see everyone! The dr. said that some women go into labor just by using the cervical ripening agent, which we are using Mon. night. So who knows, maybe we will have our baby before Tuesday :)
If anything changes, we will let everyone know- if not.....Happy Halloween!


danielle said...

oh my!!! how exciting!!! he is going to be here before you know it.. literally! yay!

Shara said...

You're so close! How exciting!! Enjoy this last weekend with just you and Brian, and rest up! :)

mgoff said...

I am getting so excited so I know you have to be very anxious! Things will go great and I cant wait to hear about it all, although I know it will be awhile before I hear.....I will probably call Justine to get all the details and you can call me in a couple weeks....or if you need me before then...I am typically up around 3:00 am we could always chat through the late night feedings! Wish we were there!

CAC said...

i have been reading your blog for a while now- through mindy's! anyway, i have been following your pregnancy stuff and even though we haven't met, i just can't wait to see this little guy!! good luck with the delivery!

Shara said...

Tonight it all begins! Praying for you!!