Wednesday, June 4, 2008

After graduation, we went and ordered our furniture from a fun store in OKC called Storklands. We couldn't decide whether or not to get furniture in the city or wait until we moved to Temple, but we really liked this set! We are so excited- of course it doesn't come with the bedding, which makes since because the bedding is pink and we are pretty sure its a boy- (we had an early ultrasound and the tech. and dad are sure of what they saw :)We will find out for sure on Monday, so as soon as we do- we will let you know and then its off to Texas!

1 comment:

mgoff said...

PS--spoke with Beverly today. We asked how sure we could be about having a little girl. She said that there is always a chance she has made a mistake, but that she hasn't been wrong in 12 years! So, Monday you will know for sure! PS--chris would like Brian to email him the pictures off your camera he also would like me to call him a butt-face? They are so weird!