Friday, October 24, 2008

Brian's baby outfit-

I got this little outfit in the mail today from Brian's mom- its the outfit he came home from the hospital in 28 years ago!! Isn't it the sweetest thing- This is what Henry will wear home from the hospital :) Its so neat, its kinda retro at this point :)
Well, the nurse called me this morning and scheduled my induction for next Tuesday, Nov. 4th.
I will go in on Monday night and they will start some meds, and then the actual induction medicine will start first thing Tuesday morning!! We are so excited...its only 1 week away!! The doctor said he is about 7-7 1/2 lbs. right now, so he will be a healthy baby boy! I started taking my heart medicine today and am hoping to get to go to a dinner tonight with Brian, hosted by the medicine department from the hospital- they are having bbq for everyone :) I still have my regular appointment on Thursday just to make sure everything is on track and then we will have our baby on Tuesday- unless he decides he wants to come before then :)
Please pray for us that everything goes well!! We are so excited!


Shara said...

Hi Jessica! Matt and I have been following y'alls blog (since I'm just a couple of weeks behind you!) and we're so excited for the arrival of your little Henry!! We'll be praying for God's protective Hand over you and him between now and Nov. 4th. How exciting that he's almost here! :)

mgoff said...

LOVE this outfit!!!! Less than one week and little Henry will be here....I cannot wait! Thinking about you lots! Call me soon.